Welcome to the world behind Nighttime on Still Waters

Studio set up

All set up and ready to go for the next episode of Nighttime on Still Waters!

The study on the Erica

The study on the Erica which is where I do all the recordings.

Study stove

The study stove (keeps me warm through winter!) and steps up to stern hatch

Writing box

One of my most treasured possessions; my writing box for notes, recording records (and one of our swans' wing feathers)


Our first director (of just about everything!): Penny

(Sadly, although she is no longer physically with us, she is always here in spirit)

Maggie has gallantly and selflessly stepped into the breach and has taken over the directorial role.

Maggie sitting and looking to her right

She can sometimes be heard in the background squeaking toys, noisily drinking water and creating sundry bangs and thuds

Maggie on the stern deck looking up into the camera with big eyes

Maggie always likes to be at the heart of things

On air


A bit of research with the trusty help of the Rev. Keble Martin (Summer 2021)

Jotting down notes on Erica's roof

Catching the last of the evening sun on Erica's roof while jotting down some notes. 

Field recording insects and bees (Summer 2021)

Field recording insects and bees (Summer 2021)

More research (honestly!)

First ideas

Early ideas and notes for the podcast (2019). Mapping out different formats. In its earliest stages, Donald Fagen's 'The Nightfly' was a huge influence and inspiration. 

Nighttime on Still Waters on Cruising the Cut

If you would like to see more of NB Erica as well as some behind the scenes footage of the podcast, Nighttime on Still Waters is featured in one David Johns' Cruising the Cut vlogs. You can view it by clicking the link or the picture below.

cruising the cut thumbnail
Episode 265: 'Evoking the spirit of pirate radio... on the canal'

Nighttime on Still Waters in Towpath Talk

The podcast has also been featured in a couple of articles written by Phil Pickin of the (free) canal-focused newspaper Towpath Talk

The first was published in the September edition, issue 203 (2022).

Cover of Towpath TalkYou can read the article online here (it is on page 11).

We were also more recently featured with a follow-up write up in the April edition, Issue 234 (2025) on page 70.