Skimming stones across the stilled waters of a restless mind


Nov. 12, 2023

When Guy Fawkes wore my old dressing gown

I've always felt that there is something rather singular about the month of November. Tonight I try to find out what it is and end up recounting the time when Guy Fawkes wore my old dressing gown (which might or might not hav...
Nov. 5, 2023

November Fireside Nights

It’s a foul November night, so why not come and join me tonight by the glow of fire light. I have with me a lovely little book, that I found last year in a second-hand bookshop, and think that it might be perfect for a night ...
Oct. 22, 2023

The Rebellious Light of Beauty (The last dandelion of summer)

It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the global events of the last couple of weeks. Following the battering of Storm Babet, this week’s episode offers a space for us to reflect on a world that can be often violent and far from p...
Oct. 15, 2023

Words & Music (Listeners' questions - 4)

The temperature outside is dipping down towards zero, so join us for a cosy night by the glow of a hot stove, as we chat about two subjects close to my heart and the surprising way that living on a boat has altered my attitud...
Oct. 8, 2023

Swings and Roundabouts (Listeners' Questions - 3)

There's an old and trustworthy adage on the canals: when two or more boaters meet up it is only a matter of time before the conversation will turn to the subject of toilets. So guess what the topic of this week's episode is?!...
Oct. 1, 2023

Under the ghost of a Harvest Moon

A week of serious problems with our internet has meant that I have been unable to record the episode answering listeners’ questions. However, join us tonight to enjoy a special meeting under the ‘ghost’ of a harvest moon. Jou...
Sept. 17, 2023

Uncertain Futures (Listeners' questions - 2)

There’s a chill in the air tonight and there will be mist on the water in the morning. Join me tonight as I answer some hard questions about how viability is a long term in the Erica on the canals? Journal entry : 21st Septem...
Sept. 17, 2023

'No Regrets' (Listeners' questions - 1)

On a dark night that is damp with an autumnal chill, join us as tonight I answer some of the questions posed by the listeners of this podcast which range from the decisions and motivations behind our choice to live afloat to ...
Aug. 20, 2023

An August-coloured Evening

Tonight, we celebrate and enjoy a special August evening at the moorings, filled with golden light, gentle chatter, a rolling wind, duck call and church bells. A rare ‘August-coloured’ evening. Journal entry : 15th August, Tu...
Aug. 6, 2023

Adventures and Departures (The 'Kathy' Chronicles - pt 4)

Life afloat can throw up some rather singular challenges from being frozen in to sinking, running aground, being attacked by wild kittens and the dangers of runaway working boats!! Join us tonight as we ride out Storm Antoni ...
July 30, 2023

The New Baby Arrives (The 'Kathy' Chronicles - pt 3)

What was it like to give birth on small 30 ft boat in the 1960s? Mum continues her account of her life afloat on the Kathy in this week’s instalment of ‘The Kathy Chronicles’. We hear about the some of the challenges and joys...
July 23, 2023

Crochet by Lantern Light (The 'Kathy' Chronicles - pt 2)

What was it really like to live on board a 30ft canal boat in the late 1950s before there were such things as service points and fully equipped marinas? This week we continue with ‘The Kathy Chronicles’ where Mum describes ho...
July 2, 2023

Facing the Fears with Maggie

This has been rather an unexpected and eventful week. This is a special episode where we welcome a board a new fellow traveller (along the canals and through life). Journal entry : 30th June, Friday “Endless motorways. Endles...
June 11, 2023

'A Little Clinker-Built Boat' (The 'Kathy' Chronicles - pt 1)

Travel back in time to the scorching summer of 1959. Although the canals were still mainly used by working boats, leisure cruising was growing in popularity and so too the idea of living on a canal boat. Tonight, I take us ba...
June 4, 2023

In Praise of Locks (and lock-keepers)

There’s something almost indefinably special about canal and river locks. Tonight, I relate my struggle to outwit the ghost of Odd Lock as well as take time to celebrate the lock-keepers of old and their newer iteration – the...